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xGEL LabMate's .mdb Export File Table and Field Names

If your gINT template has at least these tables and field names, you can import your xGEL LabMate™ data file into gINT without a correspondence file.

Blue indicates Named data fields in the xGEL export file that are written to by the xGEL system. Black indicates a Named field, that although in the xGEL export file, contains blank information, i.e., is "Empty" for purposes of the gINT import procedure.

**ATTB READINGS   «««Table Name
Cone_Pen_Initial,Cone_Pen_Final   «««Field Names


PointID,Depth,Specific_Gravity,Description,Lab Tech Description

PointID,Depth,Bottom,USCS,Graphic,Description,Line Type

PointID,HoleDepth,Elevation,Date Started,Date Completed,Drilling Method,Sampling Method, Logged By,Water Depth ATD,Water Depth Static,Remarks,Depth Log Page,North,East,Plunge

Name,Location,Number,xGEL Project Number,Depth Log Page,Water_Unit_Wt,Coeff_of_Consol_Factor

PointID,Depth,Wt_Total_Spec,Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve,Wt_Fines_Tested, Size_Split_Sieve,Weighing_Method,Wt_Sieving_Tare_Coarse,Wt_Sieving_Tare_Fine, WC_Wt_Wet_Coarse,WC_Wt_Dry_Coarse,WC_Wt_Tare_Coarse,Water_Content_Coarse, WC_Wt_Wet_Fine,WC_Wt_Dry_Fine,WC_Wt_Tare_Fine,Water_Content_Fine,Coarse_Sieved_Wet


PointID,Depth,WC_Wt_Wet,WC_Wt_Dry,WC_Wt_Tare,Water_Content,Diameter,Height,Wt_Spec_Tare, Wt_Tare,Wet_Density,Dry_Density

Warning - This is Geek Talk!

Given above are the table and field names of the basic xGEL LabMate .mdb export file.

When importing an external data file, gINT tries to find table and field names in the external file that match up with the table and field names in its gINT data template file. For those items where it finds an EXACT match, it imports the data. For example, if your gINT template has a Project table containing a field name of "Name", and the external data file you are trying to import also has a Project table having a field name of "Name", then gINT will map the data Project:Name from the external file into the Project:Name field of the gINT project you are importing into. (Name goes with Name)

If however, there is a conflict, then gINT will pass over the offending data and give you an error message. For example if you have changed up your gINT data template so that its "Project" table now has a field called "Project Number" (Project:Project Number) and it encounters xGEL LabMate's "Project" table which has a field "Number" (gINT's "Project Number" vs xGEL's "Number" ), then gINT will not import that data because there is not a EXACT correspondence. To gINT, "Project Number" is NOT the same as "Number". To "fix" this something has to be done to tell gINT that when it sees the field name "Project" in the external file, that it is supposed to put the data it find there into its "Project Name" field. That "something" is a gINT Correspondence File which is made using gINT's Correspondence File Utility.

Cutting to the chase, if you have an EXACT match of these table and field names with table and field names in your gINT data template then you can import the xGEL LabMate project file without using a gINT correspondence file. If there is a difference in a name AND there is no data in the external file, then gINT will not have a problem either. For example, you can see that the xGEL LabMate export file has a field "Cone_Pen_Final" in the Table "ATTB EADINGS". LabMate does not write any data to that field so if your gINT does not have a field name called Cone_Pen_Final, things will go along just fine.